

2015, I'm comin' at cha!

Happy New Year! So I've hmmed and hawwed about whether I was going to make my big, scary resolution public, but in the end, I've decided I need the accountability, so here it is! I am going to compete in a figure competition in 2015! I've had the idea in my head for a few years, but truthfully, I didn't have the belief in myself to even put the idea into words. This past year I have put almost all of my attention on emotional and mental healing (first year following my divorce, new city, new house, new job), and even though it has brought me to a place where I feel stronger and better than ever, I have neglected my body in the meantime! Strong soul + less than best body = time for a new challenge! And a figure competition was on my radar!

I have a ways to go. I would like to dedicate the next 2-3 months just to getting my body where it SHOULD be, and only then will I buckle down and begin rigorous competition training. I am giving myself TIME. I am dedicating PATIENCE to this. I have accepted I will cry, laugh, regret, hope and probably cry some more during these next 6 months! I will have to push myself like I've never pushed before, but I need this. I need to prove to myself that I can achieve what ever I put my mind to, as crazy as it may sound. 

I'm going to be using my blog to journal my experience, to keep myself accountable and to share tips and tricks that I discover along the way! If I can do this, anyone can, and I just want to remind anyone out there that may have this goal in the back of their head that its WORTH IT to go after that goal, no matter how far away it may seem! I'm definitely a candid person, so I apologize in advance for any TMI!! And if you are prepping to compete or have big physical changes you want to make this year, please connect with me! I would love to stay connected with those who have big dreams so we can keep each other motivated!

Obviously this takes guts to put yourself out there and show the world your "before" pictures, but there is NOTHING like accountability to stay focused and motivated to reach your goals. There's true power in saying "I'm going to do it" out loud! But that doesn't mean you need to announce it to the world. ;) Even a small, private group of people to check in with daily makes a difference! If you have struggled with keeping motivated, I'd like to help you! Together we can do it! Just fill this out so I know what your goals are and I will be in contact with you! :)

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