
The Leap of Faith I Took that Changed My World

When I decided to start my Beachbody adventure, I only had one goal: to lose weight. I had been carrying an extra 30+ lbs for many years and I was sick of the way I felt about myself. Little did I know this commitment would transform my entire life.

Not only did I end up losing 10lbs and 2 sizes with my first Challenge Group, it opened my eyes to an opportunity that I otherwise wouldn’t have known existed. Beachbody provides the products and training to start your own business of health and fitness coaching! Becoming a coach is the single best decision I’ve ever made. It has literally changed my life and my entire perspective of the future.

Before I joined Beachbody, I was a stay at home mom Monday-Friday and I’m going to be honest, I was LONELY! I love my son dearly, but parenting is not a replacement for adult interaction! Once I entered the Beachbody world, I suddenly had an entire family of like-minded moms right at my finger tips! I became FAST FRIENDS with so many people! We are all as much friends as we are co-workers. Its truly the best situation I could ask for. These ladies support me in my business, my personal life, and they keep me accountable every day to strive to be my best. I love these people like family!

I didn’t go into the business to become rich quick. Truthfully, the money has never been a thought to me, until recently anyways. I live on one income, I own a house, a car and have HEFTY school loans I’m paying back. I have always lived paycheck to paycheck, and honestly, dollar to dollar. If I were to go over budget on my groceries or a surprise expense came up, it really set me back. But over the last few months as a coach, I have seen my bank account steadily grow, and now I have the freedom to make those extra purchases at Target or the grocery store and not worry! No more guilt for the splurges, and that feels AWESOME. I get to buy myself nicer things and treat my son more often. I feel like I can BREATH again and I’m not just waiting for the next thing to set me back financially. I am finally gaining financial momentum!! For those of you that have lived paycheck to paycheck, you know just how much mental and emotional freedom that would provide you!

I think the biggest blessing that has come from coaching is the ability to touch people’s lives, all from my own home. To know that my hard work inspires other people to find their best self is the MOST REWARDING FEELING I can imagine. I get messages regularly now letting me know that my posts are motivating people to believe in themselves, and my recipes are helping families eat healthier. We live our lives without ever knowing the true potential inside of us, and it is my HONOR to be able to help people dig a little deeper to find that potential and create a bigger and better life for themselves.

I am so happy that I took the chance to try something new by signing up for a challenge group and then becoming a coach. It has turned my life upside down and I am a happier and healthier than I ever thought would be possible. I wake up each day EXCITED to work because this job brings so much to my life!

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