

Maybe you're new to clean eating or have just always stuck to your reliable old friend, rice, but QUINOA is where its at!! Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wa) is not a grain, but actually a seed. It is higher in protein and fiber than rice so it will keep you fuller longer, plus it provides you with more riboflavin, zinc, iron, vitamin B1 and folate than rice (yes, even the brown stuff!) so it is worth making the trade!! I'm proud to say my son has even stated that quinoa is his "favorite food!" Its a family friendly option and can be prepared any way that rice or oatmeal can.

To prepare, just add a 2:1 ratio of water/broth to quinoa to a pot and bring to a vigorous boil.

 Once boiling, cover the pot and bring to a very low simmer. Simmer for 15 minutes or until seeds are light and fluffy.

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