
Because I Love My Body, And Yours!

Sometimes I feel like my true message is lost in the pressures of society to be thin. I don't want to help you get skinny. I really don't. I'm not skinny, and I never want to be. My passion for fitness and eating well comes from my background as a nurse. It stems from the biology of HEALTH, of eating for nutrition and exercising to keep our muscles lean, our hearts strong, our lungs powerful, and our blood vessels elastic. I want to help people reduce their body fat in order to have more energy and stress their bodies less. More energy and less weight allows for more movement and the cycle of health is perpetuated. I want to keep people from becoming or remaining obese because I want to fight against the chronic diseases I see my patients suffer from. Diabetes, heart failure, and cardiovascular disease  may not kill you right away, but I see it strip people of life, independence, hope and the motivation to live.  These diseases aren't just "part of life" and pills don't make things better.  I want to help people live long, healthy lives free of avoidable diseases.

My second motive is to help people feel confident about themselves. I want people to love the healthy, strong body they see in the mirror. Sometimes that extra 10lbs is all it takes to take a toll on your self esteem and this can steal joy from your life. If that extra 10lbs doesn't bother you, then it sure as hell doesn't bother me!! But when it makes you uncomfortable and you find that it is keeping you from feeling happy with your body or it's enough to weigh on your mind, then I want to help you find a way to get rid of it in a healthy, natural way. I want to help free your mind and your soul of that concern so that you can feel happy and confident. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman that is confident in her skin, no matter what size!!

I hope my passion of helping people live physically and mentally healthy lives is apparent and understood! There is NO IDEALSIZE OR WEIGHT! I want to help you be the healthiest and happiest version of YOU! I workout and eat well because I love my body and value my health. I wish to spread that attitude to those I work with! Let's make health and happiness contagious! ❤️

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